Northern Senators presented the Northwest Ordinance of as their precedent. This ordinance outlawed the further introduction of slavery into the lands north of the Ohio River. With this precedent in mind, numerous northerners backed a resolution by the Pennsylvanian Congressman, James Tallmadge, which required Missouri to add an amendment to their state constitution that would forbid the further introduction of slavery into the state and that slaves presently in Missouri would be freed upon the age of twenty-five.
Synthesis: This amendment was a continuation of gradual emancipation. Gradual emancipation was the practice of northern states gradually emancipating their slaves either through state laws or state amendments to their constitutions. Gradual emancipation began in the northern states near the end of the 18 th century. The North believed that since Congress had control over territories and the admittance of new states that it could dictate on the slavery question in territories.
The South was adamant in its rejection of the northern position that Congress could dictate to a state that it could not have slavery. Additionally, the Northwest Ordinance was not a valid precedence because it was enacted before the Constitution was ratified.
The Hamiltonian vision preached industrialization, while the Jeffersonian vision espoused an agrarian farming America. The northern states had slowly industrialized with the beginnings of textile manufacturing during the American embargo before the War of The southern states were built upon an agrarian economy because of their reliance on tobacco as a cash crop.
The upland, interior areas of the South were now opened to cotton production and, as a result, cotton boomed to prominence over the next several decades. This butchery occurred on an unimaginable scale although this was not an immediate problem. Anyone looking into the future would quickly understand that the available lands would most certainly run out within a few short decades. Thus, the southern region looked towards the new virgin lands of the West.
However, there were major obstacles in the way. The bulk of the people flooding westward were emigrating from the northern free states and their free labor was in direct opposition to the institution of slavery. The sectional political balance in the U. Senate would be maintained over the next three decades until the Compromise of Subscriber sign in You could not be signed in, please check and try again.
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The new Fugitive Slave Law, however, was an immediate source of tension. It deeply offended many Northerners, who refused to have any part in catching slaves. Some actively and violently obstructed its enforcement. The Underground Railroad became more efficient and daring than ever. The new territory became another source of conflict between representatives of free and slave states. Skip to main content. Board of Education and School Desegregation Brown v.
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