When was maven 3 released

I suspect you're an Ant guy. Defining your build in XML is fail Flame on! Did I miss the part where pom. This tells me you've never written an Ant build. Ant Ivy has a much much better dependency management system that knows that if I had a foo There's this thing called build. Ant does text substitution way before Maven had filtering. Ant guys don't even need profiles. When was the last time being old was considered a legitimate reason for choosing a different technology?

Oh but I have spent time looking at how open source projects use maven. I won't bother listing them, but I've contributed to several well known open source projects. I've also seen the horrendous pain maven inflicts on people who want to contribute to a project. Again, more maven apologist making up excuses for what ever reason. On many of the projects I've worked on, the build order was complex because the jars were not checked into the source control. The order of the build was crucial, but the "dependency management and repository" of maven never worked properly.

Some apps have over 20 components, which are separated into different eclipse projects. You can get maven to work if you babysit maven and become a slave to it. Heck, we even wrote our own maven plugins to simplify our build process, but maven 1 was basically a huge pile of junk. Maven 2 is better, but it is still far too painful. All of them give ant tasks that you can just drop right into the project.

Ant Ivy has a much much better dependency management system. After all, by tech standards it's more than 5 years old now. Lots of developers think anything older than 2 years to be "old". Then again, the concept of ORM actually predates EJB, so whether something is old or not really depends on how much one studies computer science and history. Making a decision based on "how old" is foolish. Would you really put dependencies into source control? The Maven dependency management stuff may have some quirks, but "never worked properly" seems a bit too much.

One solution is to create a separate Eclipse workspace for such a large and complex app, like e. Apache CXF is doing. I admit that I am no Maven expert nor fan but I have tried to understand it. However I have always found the following types of statements about Maven confusing: The main advantage I see with maven is the fact it is convention over configuration Part of that "convention" meant there were dozens at least on the few projects I worked with Maven of POM files.

Which to the best of my understanding are Maven configuration files. This really does not feel like "Convention over Configuration" to me. My understanding of "Convention over Configuration" is really the need to have less configuration options explicitly specified and the application uses good defaults; not have dozens of configuration files in a known location. Iff you are not happy with the conventions then you specify the configurations to override.

So unless I am missing something quite possible it does not really provide that capability. If you mean "convention" by way of directory structure then I will concede Maven has that. But that is not really such an advantage IMO. Happy to be enlightened. Cheers, Ben. Using ant I would put jar dependencies in source control, but with maven that tends to cause huge headaches.

Look at how many people have had issues getting the proper hibernate-entity manager jar from jboss maven repo. I'm sure others haven't had issues. Maven 3. Like Print Bookmarks.

Oct 08, 4 min read by Alex Blewitt. Maven Shell Maven 3 introduces the concept of a Maven Shell, a standalone Java process that is part Maven build, part build server. Tycho and M2Eclipse As well as improvements to the runtime, Maven 3 also permits other extensions that were not possible in Maven 2.

The future Maven 3 opens a number of possibilities for the future. Author Contacted. This content is in the Agile topic. Related Editorial. Related Sponsor Uncover emerging trends and practices from domain experts. Related Content Hibernate Releases Version 1.

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Community comments. Watch thread. Moving to OSGI? See the PluginList for more information. We received a report from Jonathan Leitschuh about a vulnerability of custom repositories in dependency POMs. This makes downloads via such repository a target for a MITM attack. At the same time, developers are probably not aware that for some downloads an insecure URL is being used.

Possible Domain Hijacking due to custom repositories using abandoned domains Sonatype has analyzed which domains were abandoned and has claimed these domains.

Possible hijacking of downloads by redirecting to custom repositories This one was the hardest to analyze and explain.

So there are two main questions: what is the context and what is the order? The order is described on the Repository Order page. The first group of repositories are defined in the settings. If your project depends on a software component that is under active development, you can depend on a SNAPSHOT release, and Maven will periodically attempt to download the latest snapshot from a repository when you run a build. Similarly, if the next release of your system is going to have a version "1.

The syntax for using a property in Maven is to surround the property name with two curly braces and precede it with a dollar symbol. For example, consider the following POM:. If you put this XML in a pom. Maven properties occur frequently in advanced Maven usage, and are similar to properties in other systems such as Ant or Velocity.

Maven provides three implicit variables which can be used to access environment variables, POM information, and Maven Settings:. In addition to the three implicit variables, you can reference system properties and any custom properties set in the Maven POM or in a build profile:.

For a more comprehensive list of available properties, see Chapter 9, Properties and Resource Filtering. Maven: The Complete Reference - 3. POM Syntax. Prev : 3. Project Dependencies. Project Versions. Version Build Numbers. Property References.


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