Where is science going

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Preview — Where is Science Going? Where is Science Going? Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. Published April 1st by Ox Bow Press first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Where is Science Going? Be the first to ask a question about Where is Science Going? Lists with This Book.

Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. Sort order. Start your review of Where is Science Going? A great insider's look at how scientific revolutions unfold from the first sparks of ingenuity to their establishment as accepted paradigms of their current times. Planck's humbleness in spite of his great achievements is striking and praiseworthy, although rather common among the geniuses behind the great steps of scientific discovery - the exceptions always consisting of rather duller figures hyped into the status of celebrity usually over rather political reasons Russell, Feynman, Crick, Haw A great insider's look at how scientific revolutions unfold from the first sparks of ingenuity to their establishment as accepted paradigms of their current times.

Planck's humbleness in spite of his great achievements is striking and praiseworthy, although rather common among the geniuses behind the great steps of scientific discovery - the exceptions always consisting of rather duller figures hyped into the status of celebrity usually over rather political reasons Russell, Feynman, Crick, Hawking, Sagan, deGrasse Tyson and Kaku come to mind.

Still, Planck ruins an otherwise impeccable work when clinging too obsessively to underlying Christian ideology while discussing free will, and it is dismaying how he takes psychology, sociology, contemporary philosophy and history as serious sciences aligned with the scientific method and complementary to the hard sciences - they are not Mr. Also if new-age and irrational pseudo-spiritual beliefs continue to permeate societies worldwide, it is not necessarily a proof of science failing to address deeper issues, as Planck claims.

In my opinion, it just means that no matter how "educated" people are or how much information you pour at them, the fact is that intellectual laziness and social pressures are the overall winners at the end of the day when the love for truth is not cultivated. After reading Planck, Tesla, Schrodinger and Heisenberg, it is the latter one who remains the most solid at detaching from personal biases and provided the most fascinating insights on the implications of modern physics into philosophy and world view.

Planck is not a far second nonetheless. The concept of detachment was precisely the one which made me appreciate Planck's words again, as his explanation of it falls in line with my personal understanding of the concept of Islamic prophethood: "There is no reason why we should not scrutinize each experience and study it from the viewpoint of finding out the cause from which it resulted.

An extremely difficult task, but the only soundly scientific way of dealing with our own lives. To carry out this plan of action, the facts of our own lives which we place under observation would have to be distanced, so that our present complex of living emotions and inclinations would not enter as facts into the observation. If we could possibly carry out the plan in this detached way, then each experience through which we have passed would make us immeasurably more intelligent than we were before.

So intelligent indeed than in relation to our earlier condition we should rise to the level of the super-intelligence postulated by Laplace. That, to me, is very close to what the prophets of the Islamic tradition did, perhaps along the lines of a Laplacian super-intelligence. Nov 28, Luiz rated it really liked it Shelves: philosophy , science. Before going into the future of science, in face of the quantum theory, He shows how science actually develops.

From the creative mind process that scientists have to do to create new theories up to the consolidation and recognition by their peers as valid. From relative to absolute, exemplified with the weight of the atom. Or even a invalidation of a previous valid theory by a new theory as this review is being written, Einstein's speed of light as being constant is getting challenged which pu Before going into the future of science, in face of the quantum theory, He shows how science actually develops.

Or even a invalidation of a previous valid theory by a new theory as this review is being written, Einstein's speed of light as being constant is getting challenged which puts Einstein's relativity theory at risk. Something that I wasn't expecting was Planck going metaphysical with causation and free will citing Aristotle, Descartes; rationalistic philosophers with Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant; solipsists with Locke, Berkley.

Reading a physicist going metaphysical was really interesting. Questions about the limits of perception and knowledge. Einstein: No physicists believes that You must distinguish between what is literary and what is a scientific pronouncement. We believe, however, that Prof. Planck will be known to posterity not only as a man of science, but also as a philosopher of unusual insight and clarity of expression. The principle of causality and the value of our knowledge of the external world are his main interests in this field.

The need for something different from the established order, which is a feature of our civilisation, has caused many thinkers to draw hasty conclusions from the revolutionary physics of the day.

Max Planck. Translated and edited by James Murphy. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. By Prof. Translated by W.

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