To see Pikachu's emotions and what affects them, click here. In Pokemon Yellow, a very simple happiness system is in place for Pikachu. Although the only real thing this changes in game is whether or not you get Bulbasaur, it is still a fun mechanic to play around with and adds a bit more depth to the game. Pikachu's happiness can be checked at any time by looking behind you and talking to it.
If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you. Catch it in:. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Are you a good trainer? Find out as you try to capture and train pocket monsters, otherwise known as Pokemon.
As Ash Ketchum, you'll pursue different monsters. Train them well, and they'll evolve into more powerful monsters. Animated Violence, No Descriptors.
Release Date. Set in suburban Chicago in the late s, the story centers on ten-year-old Jake Doyle's Fegley herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas. The attacker uses an appendage e. Reduces damage from special attacks by about half. It is highly accurate and relatively powerful. A technique that badly poisons the target. The amount of damage from the poison increases every turn. Has a one-in-three chance of paralyzing the target if it connects.
A charging attack. One quarter of the damage it inflicts comes back to hurt the attacker. A charging tackle attack. A move that also nets money at the end of battle.