When Pokemon Sun and Moon were announced, the games came jam-packed with all new content and a big shake-up to the Pokemon canon: Alolan Forms. According to the games, the Alolan region was such a unique environment that Pokemon usually native to Kanto adapted differently. Some became dark types, like Meowth, while others switch from fire to ice, like Vulpix. Fans immediately recognized that this adorable design was likely inspired by the age old-trope of the surfing Pikachu, stopping just short of making the Alolan Raichu a water type.
Alolan Raichu has a tan worthy of any beach bum and stunning blue eyes the color of a calm ocean. Alolan Raichu's blue eyes might be inspired by a certain surfing Pikachu from the anime named Puka , you know, like the shell. Puka appears in episode 67 of the anime entitled "The Legend of the Surfing Pikachu," his blue eyes glowing whenever a big wave is about to come in. Pokemon names are often puns. There are obvious ones, like Meowth and Magikarp. There are others that take a little more digging like Trevenant tree and revenant or Moltres molten and tres , because it is the third legendary bird.
And then there are still others that won't really make any sense at all unless you're familiar with the Japanese language. Unlike many Pokemon, Pikachu's name didn't change when it was localized for an English-speaking audience.
Neither was Raichu, and we'll guess that Gorochu wouldn't have either, had Pikachu's third evolution been published. This is because the puns behind their names are just too fitting to improve upon.
Pikachu's name comes from the Japanese onomatopoeia word "pika-pika," which is used to describe glitter. Rai means thunder in Japanese, so Raichu is thunder plus mouse sounds. Finally, Gorochu goes the onomatopoeia route and combines "goro," the sound of rumbling thunder, with mouse sounds. Again, so fitting that the localization team didn't dare deviate from the original. Through his adorable antics in the anime and universal appeal, Pikachu became the Pokemon Company's mascot, the face of the whole franchise.
That didn't stop designers from trying — pardon the phrasing — to get lightning to strike twice. Eagle- or should we say Braviary -eyed fans will have noticed that with each generation, there's a new cute contender for attention that looks a whole lot like Pikachu. The electric rodent, or Pikachu family , gets a new member with each generation of Pokemon.
First came Pikachu's pre-evolved or baby form, Pichu , which quickly gained attention. The third generation introduced dynamic duo Plusle and Minun who look like they could be close cousins.
Next was electric squirrel Pachirisu , complete with electrifying cheeks, and then flying squirrel Emolga in generation five. Gen six saw the addition of Dedenne , a kind of mini-Raichu, followed by gen seven's mousy Togedemaru. Ash's Pikachu from the anime gets special treatment when it comes to Pokemon. He's obviously his trainer's favorite , even if Ash claims that he doesn't play favorites. Pikachu is part of the gang, always out of his PokeBall and making his opinion known.
But why is Pikachu so stubborn when it comes to getting in his PokeBall? Did he have a bad experience? Is his PokeBall broken somehow? What is inside a PokeBall, anyway? The one thing we for sure know about the inner workings of PokeBalls is that they serve to protect Pokemon from further damage. Trainers aren't forced to lug around their injured Pokemon, they can just return them to their PokeBall and then heal them at a Pokemon Center. Except in the case of Pikachu. The movie was panned because of the jarring moment that Pikachu suddenly starts speaking full-fledged English and tells Ash, "It's because I always want to be with you.
Meowth is a talking Pokemon, but he's one of the lone exceptions to the rule that Pokemon can only say their name, over and over again. Unfortunately, he reaches there last and all other Pokemons had already been taken by the trainers. So Ash had no option other than choosing Pikachu as his pokemon. But when he tried calling Pikachu into his Pokeball, he doesn't come back inside the pokeball.
Apparently, the pikachu did not like staying inside the pokeball, and neither did it like Ash in the beginning, which made it disobey him. But Pikachu is not an exception, during the anime you can see other pokemons who are not inside their pokeballs and follow their trainers without being inside pokeballs. Example: Togepi. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. Active 3 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 18k times. Improve this question. Psyduck imitation from Stantler's Little Helpers. Lickitung imitation from Stantler's Little Helpers. Togepi imitation from For Crying Out Loud.
Charizard imitation from For Crying Out Loud. Noctowl imitation from The Screen Actor's Guilt. Cyndaquil imitation from The Screen Actor's Guilt. Totodile imitation from The Screen Actor's Guilt. Seviper imitation from Gotta Dance! Cacnea imitation from Gotta Dance! Meowth imitation from Gotta Dance!
Torchic imitation from Gotta Dance! Mudkip imitation from Gotta Dance! Treecko imitation from Gotta Dance! Lotad imitation from Gotta Dance! Turtwig imitation from Mass Hip-Po-Sis! Scolipede imitation from The Bloom Is on Axew! Azumarill imitation from The Pirates of Decolore! Axew imitation from Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit! Sharpedo imitation from Alola to New Adventure!
Blacephalon imitation from Twirling with a Bang! Some of Pikachu's speech is consistent enough that it seems that some phrases mean something. In Stealing The Conversation! For instance, Pikachu always uses "Pikapi" when referring to Ash notice that it sounds somewhat similar to "Satoshi". Other speech includes:. His moves, notably in HeartGold and SoulSilver, are the four moves most used by Ash's Pikachu at the time of the games' release.
The Pikachu in the Super Smash Bros. Like Ash's Pikachu, these Pikachu are always male and cannot evolve. In the Americas, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, it was distributed via a QR Code that was given to those who attended screenings of the 20th movie.
Adventure in the Maze! It appears as an opponent during the Grand Rush set 4. Any Pichu whose Eggs were obtained during this time would also be wearing this hat upon hatching. Unlike in the core series, this special form is obtainable in both genders and can be evolved , with the cap being retained upon evolution.
Like the Original Cap Pikachu in this game, these Pikachu could be Shiny, male or female, and could evolve into Raichu. It appears as an opponent during the first Super Tag set. When the player used these pucks, Pikachu would appear in-game wearing Ash's Kalos hat. This Pikachu variant was featured in the following:. The card can be played at any time but cannot be played as the final card from the player's hand. Like in the anime, Pikachu and Ash share a strong friendship.
However, Ash did not receive Pikachu from Professor Oak - instead, he finds Pikachu under the floorboards of his home, chewing on wires to eat the electricity. The following is a list of related cards. The last item of DPt era merchandise could only be bought at cinemas screening Arceus and the Jewel of Life , released on July 18, The Deck Kit also includes a player's guide, damage and Status Condition markers, 2 GX markers, a coin, a playmat, and a How to Play instruction manual.
To promote the release of I Choose You! Sleeves: Running concurrent with the Pikachu in a cap distributions, each of these sleeves feature Ash's Pikachu wearing one of Ash 's hats from different periods in his adventures. All have muted colors and are presented like postcards complete with mock franking marks.
Page actions Article Discussion View source History. Please remember to follow the manual of style and code of conduct at all times. If you were looking for the alternate Pikachu who debuted in the movie I Choose You! Rotom Phone. The Electric Tale of Pikachu characters. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Ash's Pikachu. Professor Oak's Laboratory. Male [1]. Unknown [2]. With Ash.
Ikue Ohtani. Using Quick Attack. Using Thunder Shock. Showdown in Pewter City. Electric Shock Showdown. Abra and the Psychic Showdown. Friend and Foe Alike. The Double Trouble Header. Hour of the Houndour. All Things Bright and Beautifly! May's Egg-Cellent Adventure. Dancing With the Ducklett Trio! A Battle Hand-Off! Thunderbolt , Electro Ball , or Electroweb. Description: Pikachu strikes a series of synchronized poses with his Trainer to build Z-Power. He then gathers a large ball of electricity and launches it towards the target with a punch.
He then charges at the target with a full-speed tackle. He then fires seven rainbow-colored lightning bolts at the target. He then jumps into the air and spins around rapidly, turning into a yellow drill that strikes the opponent with full force.
Gigantamax Pikachu's tail glows white. He then grabs his tail and slams it into the ground, creating a series of gray spikes that extend forward and strike the opponent. Thunderbolt or Electroweb. Gigantamax Pikachu fires a bolt of yellow electricity into the clouds above him. Moments later, multiple bolts of lighting shaped like his tail strike down from the clouds onto the opponent.
Gigantamax Pikachu jumps into the air, creating yellow glowing cracks on the ground as he lands. The cracks spread towards the opponent, and as they reach them, a burst of yellow energy erupts from the ground underneath the opponent.
He later used Leer in Hour of the Houndour ; however, this was the actual move, albeit, an anime move error still. Description: An attack where Pikachu stored electricity in his tail similar to Slam was used to defeat Lt.
Pikachu glowed red and shot off his boxing gloves, leaving off a trail of smoke. Once the smoke disappears, Pikachu still has his boxing gloves on and flies towards Hitmonchan at high speed. Ash's Squirtle , Bulbasaur , and Charizard. Description: Pikachu combines one of his Electric attacks with Charizard's Flamethrower, Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf, and Squirtle's Water Gun to create a tornado of fire, electricity, leaves, and water.
Water Gun and an Electric-type attack. Pikachu combines one of his Electric attacks with Squirtle's Water Gun to create an electrified stream of water. This was used to destroy Team Rocket 's Torcher Scorcher and send them blasting off. Thunderbolt , Water Gun , and Rapid Spin. Misty's Politoed and Brock's Forretress. Description : Pikachu is seen using Thunder on himself while riding on Swellow.
This increased their attack power greatly and they easily overpowered Tate and Liza 's respective Solrock and Lunatone. Quick Attack , Thunderbolt , and Iron Tail. Description : Pikachu uses Quick Attack and combines it with Thunderbolt, creating a large ring of electricity. Pikachu then uses Iron Tail to divide the ring into three rings. This was used in the Appeals Round of the Terracotta Contest. Quick Attack and Iron Tail. Description : Pikachu uses Quick Attack to rush towards the opponent and hit it with Iron Tail, thus boosting the power of the latter move.
Description : Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt at the battlefield, breaking the ground apart and sending large rocks hurtling at the opponent. Quick Attack and Swift. Description: Aipom uses a twirling Swift attack that spins in the air and then Pikachu uses Quick Attack to jump into the Swift attack. As he runs, the stars from Swift surround the white light from the Quick Attack.
Thunder and Volt Tackle. Paul's Electabuzz. Description : A move combination that Pikachu used with Electabuzz. This was used in to sever the cables with which Team Galactic's helicopters were carrying Veilstone City's meteorites.
Volt Tackle and Iron Tail. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt while spinning, releasing yellow sparks everywhere, disallowing movement for the opponent.
It is a means of defending and attacking at the same time. Thunderbolt and Whirlpool. Description: This move combination was used during a battle against Kiko and Kato and later to battle against the evil Marcus.
When using the move, Piplup uses Whirlpool while Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt, creating an electric whirlpool. Volt Tackle and Hydro Pump. Description: This move combination was used as a finishing blow against Team Rocket. Movie Time! Electro Ball and Thunderbolt. This was used when Ash had to battle Cilan as part of Luke 's movie. Description: A stronger variation of Electro Ball. While blocking Thundurus 's Thunder attack to protect Iris , Pikachu absorbed some of its opponent's electricity.
Later, when Ash told Pikachu to use Electro Ball, it transferred Thundurus's excess energy into its attack, causing the Electro Ball to crackle with blue lightning and swell to incredibly massive proportions. This supercharged Electro Ball dealt great damage to the Abyssal Ruins after it was launched. Iron Tail and Electro Ball. Description: A move combination that Pikachu used to defeat Trip's Serperior. First, Pikachu forms an Electro Ball on his tail, and then uses Iron Tail, slamming both the Electro Ball and Iron Tail into the opponent at the same time, dealing a notable amount of damage.
Description: This strategy consists of climbing the move that is aimed towards Pikachu with Iron Tail and was used first against Grant 's Tyrunt to counter Draco Meteor and once again in Showdown at the Shalour Gym!
Thunderbolt and Dragon Pulse. Description: When Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, Goodra uses Dragon Pulse and fuses with it, creating a purple, dragon-shaped energy blast surrounded by electricity.
Then the attack hits the opponent, causing serious damage. This was used to defeat Tierno's Wartortle and Raichu. Thunderbolt and Flamethrower. Description: A combination of Thunderbolt and Flamethrower. Braixen fires a Flamethrower while Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt and the two attacks converge to create a red-orange stream of fire surrounded by yellow sparks of electricity. Thunderbolt and Iron Tail. This was used in a battle against Clemont's Luxray in the nineteenth movie.
Description: Pikachu creates an Electroweb to protect himself from any damage. This was first used when Pikachu learned Electroweb during the Thrifty Megamart trial. It was used again in Destination: Coronation! Pikachu launches Electroweb into the air, followed by Togedemaru and Charjabug adding to it by creating a makeshift Electroweb with Zing Zap and Discharge , respectively. Together, the moves make a giant, spinning, ferris wheel-shaped construction. Description: Pikachu uses Iron Tail for a grounding effect and decrease the damage of Volt Tackle from Visquez 's Raichu , repeating his strategy from his Gym battle with Lt.
Surge, but this time reforced with Iron Tail. Ember and Iron Tail. Description: A combination of Ember and Iron Tail. Raboot fires an Ember at Pikachu, who sends it at the opponent with Iron Tail, thus increasing the Ember's speed and surrounding it with white sparks of energy. Description: Pikachu creates an Electroweb that spreads out over the opponent's side of the field. If the opponent tries to charge through the electric threads, they not only slow down, but also take damage.
Iron Tail and Quick Attack. Description: Pikachu uses Iron Tail on the ground before using Quick Attack to start vibrating, creating ultrasonic vibrations around its body that it can use to repel incoming attacks.
Language Voice actor Japanese. Latin American Spanish. Official artwork from the Original series. An illustration of Pikachu as a Pichu by Atsuko Nishida. Dex No. Naughty nature. Volt Tackle. Iron Tail. Quick Attack. ID No. Light Ball.
Can be obtained with:. Obtained from:. Brave nature. Electro Ball. Type :. Ability :. Held item :. Wishing Ribbon. July 18 to September 30, Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten. Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received. August 24 to 30, Original Cap Pikachu Electric. Hoenn Cap Pikachu Electric. Sinnoh Cap Pikachu Electric. Unova Cap Pikachu Electric. Kalos Cap Pikachu Electric. Alola Cap Pikachu Electric.
Partner Cap Pikachu Electric. Cybersecurity Mobile Policy Privacy Scooters. Phones Laptops Headphones Cameras. Tablets Smartwatches Speakers Drones. Accessories Buying Guides How-tos Deals.
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