We will also discuss a few of the most often used apt commands that replaced the apt-get command. The apt command-line utility was introduced in for the. It was first used in the unstable version of Debian and then became standard in Debian 8. Initially, it did not gain much attention from users, and they kept using the old and familiar apt-get command.
However, after the release of Ubuntu The first difference you will note among the apt and apt-get is the command itself. For instance, if you want to use apt-get update to update system repository index, you would run:. The apt update command not just update the repository index but also tells if and how many new versions of the software are available in the repository. Let us see some more apt commands which replaced the apt-get. To view these commands, you can type apt help or visit the apt man page by typing apt man in the Terminal.
It will display all the information related to apt. Search packages apt-cache search apt search Show package information apt-cache show Apt show Remove unwanted dependencies apt-get autoremove. Removes package with associated configuration Apt-get purge apt purge.
Instead of apt-get I would have a look at apt-cache, though not one on one the same but close will be:. People might want to know why an automatically installed package is present on the system. To get this information from the command line, you can use aptitude why package. Ubuntu Community Ask! Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What is apt-get equivalent of "aptitude why"? Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. Active 7 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 3k times. In this answer , I came across this command: aptitude why firefox aptitude why looks like an useful command but I don't want to install aptitude just for that.
Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Add a comment. Try AptPinning if you want an unstable package on a stable Debian system. Beware, the unstable package might pull libraries with it, and you might end up with a "worst of" mixture of stable and unstable. Better search for a backport For Debian neophytes who are non-root: For example, you are using a simple shared Debian web server.