Drain and return to the saucepan. Mash together the potatoes, garlic, vinegar and olive oil with a potato masher or a large fork.
Continue mixing until all ingredients are well blended. Season with salt to taste. This sauce can be served chilled or at room temperature. Kitchen-Friendly View. Nutrition Facts Per Serving Per g. Amount Per 1 Serving Calories Mix all ingredients and keep refrigerated until consumed. Kitchen-Friendly View. Nutrition Facts Per Serving Per g. Amount Per 1 Serving Calories Amount Per g Calories Tastes salty. Search recipes by ingredients. How much fiber is in Skordalia for 4?
Amount of fiber in Skordalia for 4: Fiber. How much protein is in Skordalia for 4? Amount of protein in Skordalia for 4: Protein. How much Vitamin A is in Skordalia for 4? How much Vitamin C is in Skordalia for 4? How much Calcium is in Skordalia for 4? Amount of Calcium in Skordalia for 4: Calcium. How much Iron is in Skordalia for 4? Amount of Iron in Skordalia for 4: Iron. Calories in sheppards pie. Calories in Shephard's Pie. Calories in Deer Meat Shepard's Pie. Calories in Easy Shepards Pie.
Calories in Mashed potato soup. Calories in Shepherd's Pie. Calories in Potato Patties.