Rust how long

Follow-up on this answer. Related Questions. Still Curious? Rusting can happen quickly or slowly, depending on the material that's rusting, and the environment. Rust is the oxidation of iron along with the absorption of water to make Fe2O3 with water molecules attached.

Here are some things that can affect the rusting rate: 1 The iron can have additives to prevent rusting. Stainless steel has added nickel and chromium which bind to the iron atoms and keep them from oxidizing. I haven't seen stainless steel rust even over long periods of time. This can slow or halt rusting. Cars last longer out in the desert because it's so dry, rusting is slowed.

This is one reason why mufflers and exhaust manifolds in cars get rusty very quickly unless they are coated or made out of non-rusting materials. The rusting rate may be the same, but you may notice it sooner in thin metal sheeting than on a thick piece of iron because the former will have a hole in it sooner.

Some kinds of steel wool also rust quickly they are commonly exposed to water so this doesn't help , although other steel wools are made of stainless steel or coated.

If you have two different metals in electrical contact, and both in contact with salty water, then effectively a battery is made. Current flows, and the energy comes from the corrosion of the metals. Some companies sell blocks of zinc that you can attach to boats so that the zinc corrodes first, protecting the other metals. Vinegar and bleach have been tried and seem to affect the rusting rate. Acid rain is known to make surfaces rust faster than normal rainwater. Another main ingredient for forming rust on metals is oxygen.

If a certain material contains two or multiple metals and they come into contact with saltwater, a battery has essentially been created. As was stated above, saltwater will allow rust to form faster than surfaces that are subjected to pure water. When metal heats up, molecules are working faster and therefore quickening the rusting process. Different forms of water like saltwater and acid rain will definitely help rust form faster compared to pure and distilled water coming into contact with these surfaces and objects.

Humidity works in the same way as heat, as higher humidity speeds up the process of rusting. Lastly, electrical conditions can potentially create a battery between two metals and saltwater and can aid metals in rusting faster than metals in other environmental conditions.

Being mindful of all these conditions can help you understand how long it may take rust to form. While you might not be able to put an exact time frame on how long it takes rust to form, understanding how certain elements and conditions play a role is the first step. Materials like iron and steel will definitely rust faster than metals that are much more if not completely rust-resistant.

Other factors, like the thickness and strength of the metal, will also play a role. We discussed how not just the consistency of the materials plays a role, but the environmental conditions do as well.

Yes, galvanized steel resistance to rust corrosion depends largely on the type and thickness of the protective galvanized zinc coating, but the type of corrosive environment is also a critical factor. Factors that rust and corrode galvanized steel:. Galvanized steel has good resistance to: Concrete Mortar Lead Tin Zinc Aluminum Galvanized steel is corrosive to all metals except lead, tin, zinc and aluminum. Although it does not last infinitely, galvanized steel is the unparalleled corrosion-resistant metal.

It is worth noting however, that applying a protective coating such as paint to galvanized steel will alleviate the problems caused by corrosion of the protective zinc coating. So how long does it take for a handy new galvanized steel bucket to rust and corrode into a useless heap of metal? It takes a long time. A galvanized steel bucket produced with any method can last practically forever if it's gently used and kept dry and out of the rain.

But for those galvanized buckets and tubs destined to become garden planters, landscape decorations, animal feeders, and farm water buckets corrosion is inevitable. Galvanized steel intended for prolonged outdoor use should be hot-dipped galvanized steel; which commonly lasts for about 70 years in many different environments.

Table 1 below predicts how long galvanized steel will last based on a 30 month corrosion study of environmental factors like wetness, humidity, and air pollutants in The corrosion resistance of zinc coatings is determined primarily by the type and thickness of the coating but, varies with the severity of environmental conditions exposed to as in the table above.

Hot dipped galvanized zinc coating resistance to corrosion depends primarily on a protective film patina formed on its surface. Read more background:. The type of zinc galvanization and how that process controls the way in which the galvanized steel corrodes must be understood first.

The environments, elements, and conditions that any given type of galvanized steel is exposed to, nevertheless, indeed determines how long it will last before corrosion. A study of galvanized steel corrosion in industrial, rural and sea regions found:. The handy chart below from American Galvanizers Association illustrates how long galvanized steel will last before corroded areas should be maintained to prevent further deterioration. Want to learn how to refinish galvanized steel? Click here.

Put another way, this chart shows how long it takes for galvanized steel to rust in different environments. The thicker the zinc coating the longer galvanized steel will last without corrosion. The thickness of zinc is displayed along the horizontal axis 8. As in the chart below and noted in the study, for each location the corrosion rate is essentially constant with time 9. Chart 1: Time to first sign of corrosion in various environments.

The environments below are listed from the most corrosive to the least corrosive: Industrial Environments:. The presence of SO2 in the atmosphere largely regulates the atmospheric corrosion rate of zinc. When acids - with a pH below seven - attack and corrode a galvanized zinc coating, the pH decreases and the rate of corrosion increases. In industrial locations mists and dews have been observed having a pH as low as three. It is rational, therefore, to attribute the greater corrosivity of industrial atmospheres to the acid-forming SO2 pollution contained within them 9.

Results of a galvanized zinc metal corrosion potential study published in found the highest corrosion impact from SO2, dust, humidity and CO2. Concentrations of these pollutants were highest values in winter; when fossil fuel combustion increases.


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