Changing his name to Gault Rennow, the Devaronian joins the hunter's crew. The honorable Sith challenges the Jedi to a duel for the Shock Drum control codes, as he finds Angral's command to activate the seismic superweapon to be dishonorable. After the Jedi emerges victorious, the Knight rushes to save Carsen's former Jedi Master Bela Kiwiiks , who Angral ordered Praven to leave for dead with the Shock Drum; fighting through the fearsome creatures known as sand demons , the Knight manages to rescue Kiwiiks and disarm the Shock Drum before it destabilizes the planet's core.
The Consular encounters a group of Jawas whom Vossan had visited, only to find that the Jedi had convinced them to try and take control of the desert with war droids. The Consular soon discovers that Vossan, in his madness, believes Tatooine's Sand People to be "the ultimate warriors," and that Vossan has gone in search of a particularly warlike tribe. The Consular finds Vossan deep in the desert with the Sand People, and after healing the Master, learns more about the expedition to Malachor.
The Padawans who went to Malachor had been overcome by something evil they discovered, and in their haste to escape, one of the Padawans, Parkanas Tark, was left behind by his fellows.
The death of the Panteers led to a crisis of succession that gave way to a three-way civil war as the formerly exiled House Thul returned with Imperial backing and General Bouris Ulgo declared himself king before wiping out the Panteers.
Houses Thul and Ulgo are opposed by the Republic-allied House Organa , and they all vie for supremacy as the minor houses ally themselves with the various factions. To make matters worse, amid the political conflict, hives of the insectoid Killik species have awoken across Alderaan and are wreaking havoc. On Alderaan, the Jedi Consular searches for Master Sidonie Garen , who was tasked with arranging a peace conference between the houses before she became infected with the Dark Plague.
Upon discovering that Alderaanian law barred the Consular from attending, the Jedi allied with the lesser House Teral and became their advocate in order to attend the conference, aiding them against House Rist and securing an alliance with House Organa.
At the conference, Garen's madness led her to try and sabotage the proceedings to incite war, but the Consular was able to restore order and end Garen's plans. The Knight arrives on Alderaan in search of the Jedi's former Master Orgus Din, who had also vanished while securing the Death Mark laser —an orbital satellite meant to end the civil war by strategic assassination.
With the help of a Republic scientist named Aleyna Hark , the Knight is able to locate Din and rescue him from the remains of the Death Mark research facility, only to find that Hark is a spy in the service of Angral's apprentice Nefarid —and Hark is marking targets for Nefarid to kill with the Death Mark. After preventing Hark from killing Duke Horis Thul , the Knight tracks down and defeats Nefarid, but at the same time, Master Din is killed during an attempt to infiltrate Darth Angral's ship.
The hunter seeks out Corwin's last known location—the noble family House Girard —and is recruited by Corwin's cousin, Baron Zacar Girard , to act as Girard's advocate in exchange for aid in the search. Tracking down the duke by tracing coded messages left in museum relics, the hunter pursues Corwin to House Rist but arrives only to find that Corwin had already escaped to House Organa's protection. The hunter continues the pursuit nonetheless, but finds that the Duke is in fact dead and is being impersonated by his sister Muriel for the sake of a treaty.
The hunter turns in the duke's corpse, successfully earning a place in the final round of the Great Hunt. Governor Chornarov's corruption attracts the attention of the Republic, which begins an investigation into his actions; however, when the Republic is prepared to arrest him, the governor makes his move.
Broadcasting live on the Holonet, Chornarov declares Cademimu's independence from the Republic, and his Cademiman Guard —many of whom are former members of the Mantellian Separatist Movement—institute martial law on the planet. Cademimu is incredibly valuable to the Republic war effort, as it is the site of missile depots that supply Republic forces along the entire Celanon Spur trade route.
Chornarov's actions draw the attention of both the Republic and the Empire, and both groups dispatch strike teams to the planet in order to take back control of the planet's missile depots and thereby allow a naval fleet to enter the system. Chornarov's subordinate General Ortol , the leader of the Guard, is killed during the fighting, and the planet falls to one of the galactic powers. As the galaxy approaches war, the Republic forms a new squadron known as the Coruscant Aegis that sees service during both the Cold War and the Galactic War.
The Coruscant Aegis rescues a Republic transport in the Fondor system , defends the personnel of a SIS listening post in the Syvris system when they are forced to evacuate, and destroys an Imperial space station in the Llanic system that was developing a poison known as Ziroxin When an Imperial staging point is discovered in the Balosar system , the Republic sends the Coruscant Aegis to destroy the space station, and they also defeat the Empire's Razor Shyracks squadron and their leader, the Sith Lord Kestas Rone , over the planet Javaal.
In the Archenar system , the Aegis eliminates a group of Imperial fighters that has been preying on Republic supply transports in Hutt Space, and also spearhead an assault on the damaged warship Overlord over Makem Te when its commander, Moff Jocend is forced to retreat there after a failed attack on Republic borders.
Just before open war, the squadron defends a neutral space station from Imperial attack in the Pakuuni system , foiling the Empire's efforts to blame the Republic. In the ice rings of Kovor , the Aegis defeats an Imperial force led by the pilot Tervor Jheran when Jheran attacked a Republic squadron and attempted to frame them for breaking the Treaty. The squadron also destroys the Rancor's Claw squadron in a dogfight amid the asteroids of the Drexel system during the final days of the Cold War.
Around the same time, the Empire forms the elite Empire's Fury squadron, which sees action across the galaxy. One of the squadron's first missions is the destruction of a Republic listening post in Hutt Space, and the Empire's Fury also emerges victorious when they engage the Republic's Solar Thrantas squadron and its Jedi leader, Nezhel "Sunsport" Othren , over the planet Saleucami.
When a Republic fighter wing is sighted over the Imperial agriworld Nez Peron , the Empire's Fury is deployed to wipe out the starfighters for entering Imperial space, and the squadron also leads the assault on the Republic warship Enkindle over Sarapin Four after the Enkindle is damaged in a confrontation with the Imperial dreadnought Tears of Taris.
The Empire's Fury squadron sees action against the Republic-sympathizing Ezran pirates in the Ezran system when the Empire learns that the pirates are sheltering Republic operatives, prompting the Empire's Fury to wipe out the pirates.
When Major Boro Fareed agrees to defect to the Empire, the Empire's Fury is sent to rescue his shuttle from Republic forces in the Taspan system and escorts the defector to safety. When Republic forces attack an Imperial manufacturing station in the Skaross system in violation of the ceasefire, the Empire's Fury wipes out the bombers and saves the station from the rogue Republic attackers. The Empire's Fury wipes out Republic-sponsored pirates who are setting up a minefield in the Polith system , destroys the elite Sullustan bomber squadron known as the Ash Angels when they go rogue and attack Imperial forces in the Outer Rim, and wipe out a Republic border patrol that the Empire lures away from Republic space into the ice rings of the planet Mugaar.
The Republic does not have to wait long for Darth Angral's next move—using a tracking device planted by Din before his death, the Republic locates Angral's warship in the Uphrades system , but when the Knight arrives there, the fertile agriworld Uphrades has been utterly devastated by some kind of combination of the stolen superweapons.
The Knight and company rescue the stricken medical frigate Daybreaker from an Imperial attack and learn from the survivors that Angral has combined the stolen superweapons into a single ship-mounted weapon: the Desolator.
Having tested the Desolator on Uphrades, Angral sets his sights on Tython itself, and the Knight's crew arrives in the Tython system as the Desolator recharges for an attack. Slipping aboard the Oppressor , the Knight and Carsen disable the Desolator's reactors before facing Angral himself on the ship's bridge. However, the Emperor seizes control of Carsen briefly and orders Angral to kill the Knight.
Angral falls in battle to the Knight and Carsen, but the Emperor fully possesses Carsen and attacks the Knight with Angral's fallen weapon. As the Oppressor begins to disintegrate under Jedi bombing runs, the Knight helps Carsen purge herself of the Emperor's influence, and the two escape the doomed warship.
In the aftermath of the battle , Carsen is elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight, and Din's former student is named "the Hero of Tython. Studying what they know about Vivicar, the Council determines that Vivicar is likely Parkanas Tark himself, out for revenge against those who left him on Malachor—and Yuon Par something more: Malachor III was the resting place of Terrak Morrhage , the original creator of the dark plague.
Using the connection forged by the plague between herself and Tark, Par attempts to track Vivicar's location, and she is successful despite a brief possession by Vivicar. The Consular travels to Vivicar's location, a ship drifting in deep space filled with brainwashed Republic soldiers, and confronts the Sith Lord.
However, Tark is revealed to be nothing more than a vessel for the spirit of Terrak Morrhage, which had been awoken by the Padawans on their expedition, and despite his being defeated in a duel with the Consular, Morrhage reveals that he is infecting hundreds more Jedi Masters with each passing moment.
Should Vivicar die, the infected would die as well, so the Consular instead uses the shielding technique on Vivicar, freeing Tark and forcing a weakened Morrhage to vanish while also freeing the infected. In the aftermath, Tark goes into self-imposed exile on Tython, and the Consular is granted the rank of Jedi Master and the title of Barsen'thor , or Warden of the Order.
With the Corwin bounty finished, the hunter is contacted by former Grand Champion Hedarr Soongh , who warns the hunter that Tarro Blood's allies are gathering on Nar Shaddaa to plan an attack.
Heeding the advice, the hunter disrupts Blood's allies' plans, but Soongh is killed in the chaos. Blood has already been captured, and has warned the Aurora of his competitor's impending arrival. Despite the forewarning, the hunter is able to board the Aurora and locate Jarro, killing Blood on the way. In the aftermath of recent events—particularly the open war that Darth Angral waged against the Republic—the Treaty of Coruscant has begun to disintegrate, and the Sith Empire launches an invasion of Taris , seeking to destroy the work done by the Republic's recent reconstruction efforts.
Darth Gravus and his forces establish a garrison in the Brell Sediment and steadily drives the Republic back towards their initial settlement of Olaris, demoralizing the fierce Cathar settlers and destroying many of the facilities and colonies established by the Republic. As the invasion continues, Olaris itself is invaded, and the Republic is forced into a mass evacuation of their colonists. Similarly, the Republic sends their forces to support the Balmorran resistance in driving the Empire off of Balmorra.
Despite the resistance's resentment of the Republic for abandoning them at the end of the last war, they work with the Republic Military in retaking much of the planet, and the Balmorran Arms Factory itself is recaptured amid significant Imperial losses on other fronts. The new Grand Champion is soon summoned to a meeting with by Mandalore the Vindicated himself, where the hunter is introduced to the past Grand Champions and sent on a mission for Mandalore : hunting down the Sithspawn Akure on Dromund Kaas.
While doing so, the hunter encounters a young Mandalorian named Torian Cadera. The Grand Champion is inducted into the Mandalorians by Mandalore, and given access to the exclusive Blacklist of bounties.
Amid the growing unrest, the Jedi Master Oteg is visited by a mysterious Force ghost who informs him of a powerful Jedi held prisoner by the Emperor in the Maelstrom nebula.
To navigate the notoriously dangerous nebula, a computer built by the Gree species is required; Oteg therefore gathers a team of powerful Republic operatives to retrieve the computer from the Imperial outpost on the planet Taral V.
Oteg then leads the First Expeditionary Fleet in an assault on the Imperial Fifth Fleet that is guarding the Maelstrom Prison while his operatives board the station and fight their way to the prisoner, killing Grand Moff Rycus Kilran in the process.
The prisoner is in fact the Jedi Master Revan, kept alive for the last three centuries by the Emperor, and after he is freed, Revan decides to bring the war to an end by eliminating the Sith Empire permanently. To that end, he takes control of the long-lost Rakatan space station known as the Foundry , which he puts to use in manufacturing an army of extermination droids to wipe out the Empire.
Revan's freedom incites the Emperor to war, as Revan had been manipulating the Sith ruler through their mental bond and making the Emperor delay his plans for galactic annihilation. Learning of Revan's intentions, Darth Malgus gathers an Imperial strike team that captures the Republic ship Dorin's Sky , which is then used to bypass the Republic blockade around the Foundry. Malgus's operatives proceed to board the Foundry and fight through the Republic forces and Foundry droids aboard the station, and Revan is defeated in a final battle after which he disappears in a flash of light.
During the invasion of Taris, the Grand Champion pursues the first bounty from the Blacklist: Jicoln Cadera , an exiled Mandalorian rival of Mandalore and an initiation of sorts—not one of the two dozen hunters who have tried to capture Cadera in the decade he's been on Taris have succeeded, and not all returned alive.
The hunter soon discovers that someone else is hunting Cadera—his son Torian, who seeks to kill his father and restore his clan's honor. With Torian's help, the hunter pursues Cadera across Taris, and though Torian is injured in a confrontation with Jicoln, he succeeds in injuring his father in return. Tracking Cadera, the Grand Champion corners him in one of his scattered camps and takes him down, earning Torian's respect and leading the young man to join the hunter's crew.
On the adrenal-producing world of Quesh , Moff Dracen seeks to force the Republic to break the Treaty outright and officially launch the growing Galactic War.
As a result, his forces sabotage Republic adrenal operations on the planet, a campaign that ends with the death of two of the three members of the Three Families —the Hutts working with the Republic to produce adrenals on Quesh. General Korvan leads the Republic Military in combating the Empire on Quesh as the war begins, and his forces successfully infiltrate Broga's Palace and capture Dracen—but Korvan is betrayed by his subordinate and Broga is captured by the Empire.
Broga is rescued, but the two galactic powers continue to struggle for control of the valuable planet. The Grand Champion receives a job offer from AdasCorp to be their corporate spokesperson, but a meeting on Quesh turns out to be something completely different—a trap set by the SIS and the Jedi that the hunter barely escapes.
Another battlefront where the Empire prepares for full-fledged war is the ice world of Hoth , which was the site of a major fleet battle in the last war and is now littered with the valuable wreckage of dozens of prototype vessels. Hoth becomes the site of a three-way battle between the Republic, the Empire, and the White Maw pirate group, as the Republic struggles to drive back the powerful White Maw and the Empire seeks to bog down the Republic war effort here.
The Empire hopes to force the Republic to devote more and more of their resources to Hoth, thus weakening the Republic for the Empire's coming offensive. Despite the Quesh incident, the hunter's crew nonetheless pursues another target from the Blacklist—the Trandoshan pirate Reneget Vause on the planet Hoth.
With the help of a Jawa scavenger named Blizz , the hunter tracks down Vause, but the pirate sees the Grand Champion as unworthy to fight him and leaves. Blizz helps the hunter find and eliminate a number of Vause's rivals in the White Maw organization in order to prove the Champion's worthiness, and after taking down Vause's friend Ki-Ta Kren to draw him out, the hunter successfully defeats Vause.
As the group departs Hoth, Blizz joins the hunter's crew. As war breaks out, the Coruscant Aegis defends a space station in the Kalee system whose personnel want to defect, and they also destroy the Sith Lord Javis Koldor 's flagship Scream of Ragnos over the Unknown Regions world of Zosha. When Mandalorians attempt to blockade the Hydian Way as they did in the Great Galactic War, the Coruscant Aegis is sent to smash the blockade and reopen the route.
The squadron also sees action against Mandalorians in the Unknown Regions' Impossible Sector , where they destroy another Mandalorian attempt at a blockade and restore the flow of goods to the Republic through the sector. In the early days of the renewed war, the Empire's Fury is called into service at Aeten II in the Unknown Regions when traitors aboard the space station Kilran's Lance disable the facility's defenses just as the Republic attack ; along with the Imperial fleet, the squadron drives back the Republic and secures the station.
The Empire's Fury also proves essential in the destruction of the famous Republic capital ship the Intercessor above the planet Vondoru , aiding the Imperial fleet against Republic reinforcements. When the Republic manages to blockade the main supply rout to the Chiss Ascendancy, the Empire's Fury is sent to smash the minefield blockade and reopen the supply lane to the Empire's allies.
The insectoid Colicoids , famed weapon-makers who have remained neutral thus far, issue a challenge to both the Republic and the Empire: a contest of military might, the winner of which receives an exclusive contract with the Colicoids. Both governments send small strike forces to the Colicoid's battleground in the Outer Rim, and the two groups of combatants face off against Colicoids and advanced droids and weapons of their making. As promised, the victor receives the contract with the Colicoids.
Amid the growing conflict, an Imperial ship makes a bold strike at the heart of the Core Worlds—the Jedi enclave on the planet Rhinnal is destroyed, and the Republic frigate Toron Voq is obliterated when it tries to investigate.
In its last moments, the Toron Voq relays images of a Sith dreadnaught, albeit an outdated model. However, the Republic intercepts Imperial communications that reveal it is not the Empire behind the attack: over the last few days, the same ship has been attacking the fortresses of non-pureblood Sith Lords. The ship is the Red Reaper under the command of the pureblood Sith Lord Darth Ikoral , who is obsessed with blood purity and has not been seen since he left on a mission to locate other purebloods outside of the Empire seventy years earlier.
The Red Reaper soon strikes again at Chandrila , but strike forces sent by both galactic powers board the Red Reaper in orbit, and Darth Ikoral is killed in the fighting. Impressed by the newest Champion's successes, the other Grand Champions arrange a party on Nar Shaddaa—but the hunter arrives to find the other Champions dead, killed by a Jedi-lead strike team that reports to the same mysterious Jedi behind the Quesh trap.
The Jedi seeks to bring the hunter to justice for Jarro's death and the Aurora ' s destruction, and Chancellor Janarus himself announces a massive bounty on the hunter, framing the Grand Champion for dozens of crimes. As the Empire publicly distances itself from the Champion, the hunter is ordered to report to the Sith Lord Darth Tormen , who forcibly enlists the services of the hunter but promises revenge against the Jedi who framed the Champion— Jun Seros.
With Revan seemingly dead and open warfare breaking out across the galaxy, the Empire's forces directly invade the Mid Rim , and Chancellor Janarus officially dissolves the Treaty of Coruscant in response to the Empire's invasion and war crimes. The Empire pushes their forces even further in an invasion of the Core Worlds, seizing the planet Corellia with the help of the Corellian Council. The Hero of Tython finally breaks free from the Emperor's mental control and, with the surprising help of Lord Scourge, escapes back to Tython.
Scourge reveals to the Jedi Council that the Emperor intends to commit galactic genocide—through a powerful Sith ritual, he will consume all life in the galaxy—but he needs a sacrifice of planetary proportions to begin. With Scourge as an uneasy ally, the Knight and crew head to the Republic prison planet of Belsavis , where the Emperor has manipulated the Empire into invading the Republic prison complex as his agent Executor Krannus works to destroy the world.
Ace and crew meet with Darmas Pollaran and Senator Dodonna aboard Port Nowhere, and they both pledge their help to the smuggler's efforts to take down Rogun the Butcher.
The first step is to locate Rogun's former mentor Ivory , a crime lord imprisoned on Belsavis, and so the smuggler sets out for the prison world. An ancient Rakatan prison world upon which the Republic built their own secret prison, Belsavis was kept hidden from the Empire, but they learned of the planet's location when Ivory contacted them on a stolen transmitter.
The Empire arrives and promptly bombards the planet, damaging much of the prison and releasing the facility's inmates—criminals who immediately begin to riot with the aid of the Empire. Beyond that, the Empire seeks to free the six Sith Lords known as the Dread Masters , and numerous Imperial task forces are sent in to locate and free them.
As the chaos spreads throughout the planet, it is soon discovered that the Empire's bombardment damaged the Rakatan prison as well, and the strange Esh-kha species is unleashed from the planet's depths along with monstrous Rakatan creatures. The Esh-kha even kidnap the Dread Masters, but the Empire frees them nonetheless. The Republic also foils the Esh-kha's plot to free the mysterious World Razer entity from its imprisonment.
Finding Grand Master Shan's Jedi contact dead, the Hero enlists the criminal-tunred-honorary-guard Pak Taldine 's help in tracking down Krannus; the Executor's subordinates and members of his death cult slow down the Jedi, but the Hero catches up to Krannus in the Rakatan prison known as the Tomb and prevents him from detonating the prison's hyperspace-powered central power core.
Darth Tormen seeks to suppress the growing resistance to Imperial rule on Corellia, but first hires the Grand Champion to eliminate two potential threats to his plan. The first is on Belsavis: Zale Barrows , a former Republic privateer who now works as the unofficial "ferryman" for Belsavis prison. Barrows was unable to leave Belsavis before the Imperial invasion, and the hunter arrives in the early stages of the battle as the Empire seeks to free strategically important prisoners and incite rioting.
The film is based on the novel by Kevin Jakubowski. The executive producers are Kevin Jakubowski and Whitney Brown. Resident Evil 3 Remake is a Hit.
In Partnership with Wal-Mart. Gabrion Yet he is a melee fighter. Can I get confermation on this or is his stat STR like all other meleers? I have forseen your death. It was painful. Leadlian Lots of melee companions use Aim gear. For Bounty Hunters, Torian and Skadge come to mind. Also, Scorpio for Imperial Agents. Beesodd I put a lot of effort into maxing their Affection before launch. Would be a shame…. Locking certain companions behind certain events or activities is bs.
The pvp and Rak event. These drops have been consistent in terms of class and have not deviated from the pattern listed above.
Has anyone tried to exit the story before while Marr is a companion? Is he summoneable in the old world? I have seen someone on the imperial fleet with the new HK, not sure about marr though but i guess he will. Only way is to stop doing some chapters to avoid losing HK but not possible if you want to finish all chapters. Yep, I have Marr as a companion. Something is not clear for me, sry if it is a noob question.
I wanted to start the new content today but got a warning about Im beyond a critical story point and I may lose companions, so I decided not to start. So the question: If I start with one of my toon the content this will effect on every other toon in my legacy even if I dont start the new content with them?
It only affects your current toon You will not loose any companions until a few minutes into the story Apart from the ship droid, but good riddance there ;p. I understand you lose your companions — at least at first — when you start the new content. Are they only gone while playing the new content? Like can I still pull them up when I do old flashpoints, heroics, etc.? I thought I read a while back that once you start the new content, the old content is no longer accessible for you.
They said it in blogs and stream, maybe you over looked it but the bottom line is a level 60 boost character which automatically starts with kofte story and any other normal Char that accepts kofte story will have all other previous story as complete. That include class story, makeb, oricon, SoR and ziost. Hey Dulfy!
I just want to let you know Loken also receives Rakghoul Canisters. I had 19 left from the first and only time I did that event.
You can give only 1 Canister at a time, and each Canister worth points. A question. I helpt to Xalek and asked him to join my alliance not as a servant, but as an ally. Does it mean i rejected him as my companion? This games getting so gimped. Yes all your comps can do any roll. Nice but not needing gear with their augments wasted now.. Great stuff EA PoS.
Soon as sub is up of this card as, already paid for. And let me spend money on treek awhile ago.. Lost me and my recommendation forever. New story and other little touches, nice, but not enough to gimp my hard work. To keep me soon as bought and already time is up. Or was!
If they had kept the standard way of mmo it still would have been made absolute. So either way nothing change. Regardless the only thing I will miss are the uniqueness the companions brought with skill, socially Treek and switching stances on the go, HK with his smoke bomb and roll and sniper knife tactic.
Well thats what you get for paying to play with Treek. Sorry my bad — its a 15 Minutes Timer on the Trophys on Hoth! Highmount Ridge is the best place with 6 Targets close to each other.
Or have those just require higher Influence level than has been reached yet? Not at the moment. Perhaps in future chapters. Theres a terminal that lets You recruit companion per classes that havent show up yet. This could be a massive gut punch to use who are really emotional or crazy about certain companions. Yeah caught that in the big report. People wondered what the content would be after they finished the story. Now we know, we grind for companions.
I accepted Xalek… As sith inquisitor, but i cant use him…Why? Is it me or finding Creatures Worthy of Jagannath is a pita? Just keep going north and south along that Highmount range. I got in a group to do this and we basically hit 4 different zones and it took about an hour but we were able to get all 20 pelts. Is Dr Lokin in yet? What about Scorpio? Talking to Aygo worked. Anybody figured out what C2-N2 wants after you have done his mission?
He wants some Materials but not sure which ones. Anyone know where my wifey be? On my sorc its either the 2 dudes, Taylor Swift or the Milf. You can bypass the steps below and recruit Qyzen right away if you are a Consular since Qyzen is a former companion.
Did he give you a different conversation choice? Or is he saying the same thing as he does to everyone, that you have to recover trophies? Yeah, I have to recover trophies. The interesting thing is that my influence with him is rank 8 and I think he needs rank 10 to be recruited, which means that I have to do just a few world bosses, not all of the, I guess…. There are Ice Cats and Wampa around that will drop trophies for you to give him.
I did. Continue with the conversations, eventually the very bottom choice will be to bypass and recruit him instantly. Is the object on the bar not there?
I had problems interacting with objects in other quests Xalek in particular , and logging out and back in fixed it. Yeah i had similar problem with xalek and logging out helped i tried it this time and nothing. I reset the quest and even abandoned it. Still nothing.
Click on 3 random ingredients they should disappear then click on the umbrella make sure you click on it and then click the mixer. That should do it. Problem with Loken reputation, not working as intended? Influence reset to 1. Am I missing something? When you recruit Qyzen, you can turn in more trophies than actually necessary to gain more influence with him. This way, you can easily push him above lvl. Only the Treek and HK customisations are currently bind to legacy, as far as I am aware, or at most any added since 3.
Everything else is still bind on pickup. In the Nico quest, why does my Knight act like he knows Nico already and vise versa? He said, glad you remembered the umbrella. How would my toon know? All heroics can be done solo. I could do most of them without a companion, at all. Good to know. Some of the elites and champs hit hit like a truck though.
Set your companion to heal and you literally never lose health. Hey Dulfy, just thought you might want to know something peculiar about Qyzen. You might want to put a warning in there about droid bosses.
Did you give him the trophy then press Esc instead of ending the convo with the proper option? If you pressed Esc it resets but you get the item back, check your inventory special items.
You have to complete the conversation by selecting the end text. If you escape without doing this it exits the conversation, removes the influence it granted and gives the trophy back. I was in a panic before I realized that. Its really big, and noisy. If you mean the Zakuul Taxi one, I got one too. Looks cool though. So there seems to be several quests where you need to raise up influences to 10, and those quests seem to require groups Qyzen, Choza.
So, maybe I am misunderstanding things, but it seems like those of us who are solo players are rather limited in unlocking these companions. Am I going about this the wrong way?
And if not, am I effectively screwed when it comes to the remaining chapters? There appears to be at least 2 more sets of legacy armor. I have gotten Remnant underworld for smuggler inquisitor and agent.
I have gotten Remnant Resurrected for Inquisitor and agent. I really love this, since I can finally get that armored coat for my Agent. Must hunt on Hoth too for the other companion. THey posted the companion terminal is bugged mostly likely fixed Tuesday. Nico for some reason does not count as one of the PreReq….
Since you cannot turn in less than 24 of an item to Dr. Rakghoul DNA Canister obtainable from rakghoul event gives influence per item.
You can hand them over limitless amount. So Guss tuno is hiding in Nar Shadaa. I found tuno also there, near the event vendor. Hmm interesting. Also why does PvE content now suddenly force me to go do PvP? I am sure PvP players will be delighted to see me AFK camp 20 matches just to get this companion sorted.
If you are an agent you automatically get 10 influence and and thus bypass having to get all of the mats like everyone else. You just have to do the second step which is ridiculously easy to do.
You just have to wait until the event. I know for Xalek and Lokin hidden achievement but i cant find for Treek. Anybody know if the Remnant gear drops include Dread Forged stuff? From the ones I got back from the Allaince Specialists, yes. Let me check to see which pieces…Dreadguard: Inquisitor, agent, knight, warrior, and trooper. Not necessarily. You must understand, Bioware has always maintained that everything they do has to make sense in the realm of Story. For example, Dr Lokin is an Imperial Agent whose sole allegiance is essentially to himself.
He will aid and reward who ever aids him regardless of Faction. In the case of Major Pierce, he is, and has always been a diehard Imperial who still sees the Republic as a major obstacle. So storywise it would not make sense that for a Republic Player to be able to recruit Pierce.
Especially since Pierce is only recruitable on Dromund Kaas a planet that only Imperials can visit. It is the exact same with Mx who is quite literally programmed to fight the Empire lol. This is why their missions require PVP. Quinn should be imp only, Jorg and Corso pub only, etc. It would be great if come January the choices we made were a little more significant story wise.
It feels like most of my decisionsthis far were immaterial. Bowing to the Emperor? Seems to change nothing so far. Surrendering to Arcann? No biggie, his old man will pick a fight anyway. Hopefully the repercussions will come in the next chapter. Hey, I was going to do C2N2s mission for this week, but he said he needed supplies.
Do I just give him locked supply crates or what? But during the early access I did several class stories til there were no new quests.
And characters like Vette are still mia.