What does brb mean skydiving

I have never jumped out of a plane before. But I will in a few minutes. I am a reporter, which means no one trusts me in life-or-death situations.

To jump out of a plane with the para-commandos you must first sit through a minute safety training course in their trailer. Then they make you watch this safety movie narrated by an insane man who apparently invented skydiving.

This may have been the most terrifying part of the experience. Shorter: The U. Then they make you put on a leather helmet. I think to humiliate you. Then you walk out to the plane like Top Gun apparently. Special Forces Lt. Col Ken Ates. Even though you are scared shitless. The plane lands virtually right in front of you. Step, march. Forces Lt. The plane begins to climb at an extremely fast pace. It is also deafeningly loud.

You remember the only thing between you and the outside world is this thin plastic, see-through door. The plane you are in looks like this:. Right about when the plane reaches an altitude that reminds you of a commercial airline flight, the plastic door swings open. This is about 13, feet up. The gust of air here physically knocks the wind out of you. Then, the guy you are strapped to physically waddles you up to the open door I have no idea about these things but the idea of just floating down to wherever I may land is as terrifying as the idea of having to use one.

It's also kind of crazy to let a pilotless airplane crash, it's like letting a mini bomb drop, you have no idea where it's going to land and if it's going to crash on people and kill them too.

My bro is a pilot and he's deathly afraid of heights. I don't think he'd ever wear a parachute and jump out. All sky diving planes are only flown a single time, the pilot jumps with the passengers and they order a new plane.

It is a tradition and also a law in most jurisdictions that a sky diving plane can either have nobody jump or everybody jump, this is why normal passenger planes can land. If anyone were to jump out then all passengers would be required to also jump. It was introduced under the "all or nothing" act of None of the nine skydivers or two pilots sustained serious injury when the two planes collided in midair.

No one died or was injured in the air, but they all died horrific deaths when they hit the ground. Sorry for the mixup. What about the ground? I live in this town and they're still offering flights to this day.

It's kinda amazing no one got hurt! How did the guy who got fucking sandwiched between two planes not sustain serious injuries? That makes this amazing. Mid air collision with no deaths. Now I can be amazed and not horrified. It looked like one of the people was on fire while jumping out of the burning plane. I am not sure if that was the pilot or one of the skydivers. Apparently, the flames were extinguished by the wind before any significant injury.

Is that right? Well, at least of all possible vehicles to crash in, it's the one literally designed for you to jump out of, with plenty of parachutes to go around And every one of them literally a parachute instructor, rather than a load of pissed up twats on a stag do. There is video of him crawling out of his seat and pulling himself to the jump door. How do you even smash into another plane like that? Really thought the pilots were fucked. Figured everyone else had parachutes except the pilots.

Glad to know everyone made it. View all comments Show parent comments 7k. You can't just bail on somebody's birthday like that. Seems like a good time to pull an Irish goodbye if you ask me. Grab a pint and exit out the rear? I prefer the Tokyo Sayonara where you say goodbye to only the cat. That's reasonable, people will forgive you but the cat will hold a grudge.

Best comment: The Oklahoma Aloha: You say, "Ope, let me sneak right past ya" as a tornado sucks you out of the house and flings you halfway across the county.

Ah yes, in my group of friends we call this the Houdini. Yes, the Houdini was the term for it in my parts too. The Irish exit is when you leave a party without saying anything to anybody. Why does that sound like someone taking a fat shit!? My favorite is: Man shoots wife, bullet is in her yet.

Who was determined to be at fault? NTSB said Is it rare? Crazy that one of the planes survived. I used to go to. I don't even know what to say. How the fuck? In the beginning of the video we see the plane falling with only one wing right? Also I'd love to fly around for free lol. Plane Rentals are pricy. Yeah, that's what I meant. Thank you for putting it into more straightforward terms! The altitude in this video was fine - it was the attitude that was worrying.

Our commander would say attitude is altitude and I hated it. Great guy. This feels like the best answer thanks! Edit: not that my feelings really matter. Logically, I know that…lol. In civil aviation you can't open doors in-flight due to the pressurization. Almost all general aviation planes are not pressurized. On pressurized aircraft, which most small general aviation planes are not. So do they have to stay at lower altitudes then?

Does it get super cold? They typically don't get super cold at those altitudes, as even a will have cabin heat. The Proof. Hey, nothing's stopping you. Now go out there and be the best you you can be, buddy! Money could be stopping them, parachutes are expensive. The list of possible things to go bad is long and surprising. To my knowledge, just for planes that open in-flight. Now this Bud Light commercial makes more sense to me! Yeah man, k, no big deal. Yes, I understand how insurance works.

But k is k. Unfortunately for Nair, he failed to get a medical clearance to perform the dive as his BP was a little above the usual standard. The cardiologist informed Nair that he might face a spike in BP when jumping out of the plane, which is a risk factor. Refusing to give up, Nair spent a day performing yoga makrasana , breathing exercises, and meditation to reach his goal BP levels.

He now joins a family of skydivers. Now, we are a family of skydivers. The plan was to do it on my 70th birthday. Unfortunately, the pandemic cancelled all our plans last year. A long-time yoga practitioner, Nair said meditation and yoga essentially help him keep up an adventurous spirit.


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