What happens if you fight in college

And it is a very immature way to deal with problems. The guy was a jerk, but you can't go around assaulting people for verbally insulting you. Even if you were not in school, it would be a terrible idea.

He could press assault charges against you. Words mean things. Demand justification. Getting kicked out of school is probably all but guaranteed. Obviously you are being bullied or have acquired a very poor reputation. CC members: Do not engage in these threads. View the history of the threads by the OP.

If one can win without even an insult, one is off the charts brilliant. Berry has the correct answer and has won today's game. Given my high verbal abilities and quick wit, I mean, my lack of those two qualities, I don't think I could pull it off so easily. I am not being negative, I am not ignoring anyone's advice, I am simply being realistic and cautious, for my own sake. Deep inside I would still feel hurt.

His last pity-whoring thread finally died so he started a new one. Don't take it personally and don't deck him, but especially don't be a pushover. It's usually best to speak up and answer a bully. If a bully thinks you are weak, he or she will try to take advantage of it by being even more aggressive. Try to calm down your opponent.

If someone is threatening you with violence, they are probably already on edge and pumped full of adrenaline. Fighting back might make them even angrier, which will make the situation even worse. If you find yourself alone with a violent person, sometimes it helps to just agree with them until they calm down.

You don't have to actually agree with them — just tell them what they want to hear. If a bully is being really persistent and won't let you leave, tell them you will meet them after school. You don't need to actually fight them, you are just trying to buy yourself some time. Give them what they want. In some situations, it's best to just hand over your homework or lunch money to avoid being hurt. Experts almost always recommend giving a mugger your wallet right away, to avoid a violent situation.

Tell a parent or guardian when this happens, so they can make sure it doesn't happen again. Method 3. Have a failsafe response ready. To stay out of trouble, plan in advance how you will handle a confrontation if it happens.

When a bully is screaming at you, you're less likely to freeze up and go blank if you already know exactly what you are going to say. Offer to continue the conversation after class — they may have forgotten you and moved on to something else by then. If you know you can pull it off, smile and act amused. The last thing a bully wants is to be embarrassed in front of his friends.

Take control of the conversation. You can avoid trouble at school if you learn to take charge of a dangerous situation before it gets out of control. You may be able to calm your opponent down if you can figure out their underlying motive for harassing you. In some cases, you may be able to find another way to work things out that doesn't involve fighting. Talk to someone. If you're being bullied, you are not alone. Talk to your friends about the problem, and get their advice.

You'll probably find that many of them have had to deal with the same thing in the past. You can avoid getting into trouble at school by asking them what they did to resolve the situation. One out of every 5 high school students in the US reported being bullied at school in , and 1 in every 6 has been bullied online.

Report them. In instances where bullying may lead to physical harm, always tell a parent or a teacher. Bullying is a serious problem — there have been numerous occasions where bullying has resulted in severe injury and even death. You can avoid getting into trouble if the school knows you aren't the one causing the problem. Parents and teachers will be able to come up with a plan to fix the problem without letting the bully know that you are the one who told on them.

Method 4. Know how to get to cover. Cover can be anything that offers you momentary safety. Be aware of your surroundings, and don't allow yourself to be boxed into a corner. Plan your escape route in advance. Cover can also be a physical barrier, like getting to a bathroom or supply closet and locking your attacker out.

Learn basic self defense moves. The best way to avoid getting into trouble is to remove yourself from a fight before it happens. But if you are attacked by a violent person and can't get away, you will need to defend yourself as best you can.

You can't really learn these moves without practicing them, so sign up for self defense classes before trying them in person.

The upward movement carries a lot of force, and is easier to pull off than a boxing-style punch. Kick your attacker's knee by using your foot in a horizontal stomping motion. Be sure to take aim first, and strike suddenly before they expect it.

Use the instep of your foot or your knee with as much force as possible to connect with your opponent's groin with an swift, upward motion. Alternate your strikes between face and body — when your opponent goes to protect one vulnerable area, they will leave another area open to attack. Avoid being overconfident. Even if you have been taking self defense classes and doing well, never assume you will win the fight.

There are too many things that can go wrong, and you can never predict the outcome. If you let the situation get out of control, you are far more likely to get caught and get into trouble.

If you underestimate your opponent he or she may catch you off-guard, and hurt you. You are far more likely to get caught if you are reckless — you won't pay enough attention to your surroundings and witnesses.

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