What happens if you get a hysterectomy

Some can be done laparoscopically or with robot-assisted technology. The approach your doctor uses can play a role in the side effects you might experience after surgery. Having a hysterectomy can cause several short-term physical side effects. Some may also experience emotional side effects during the recovery process. Following a hysterectomy, you may need to stay in the hospital for a day or two. This is completely normal. You may find that wearing a pad during this part of recovery helps.

Most people can return to their usual activity level about six weeks after an abdominal hysterectomy. If you have a vaginal hysterectomy , your recovery time is typically shorter. You should be able to return to your usual activities within three or four weeks. This can cause:. The uterus is a crucial organ for pregnancy.

For some, this is a huge relief. For some, pregnancy and menstruation are crucial aspects of femininity. Losing the capacity for both in a single procedure can be a lot to process for some people. Before you have a hysterectomy, consider checking out HysterSisters , an organization dedicated to providing information and support to those considering a hysterectomy. These are permanent effects of having a hysterectomy. Problems with organ prolapse can happen after a hysterectomy.

A study of more than , patient records reported that 12 percent of hysterectomy patients required pelvic organ prolapse surgery. You cannot become pregnant after a hysterectomy. Although vaginal hysterectomy is generally safe, any surgery has risks. Risks of vaginal hysterectomy include:. Severe endometriosis or scar tissue pelvic adhesions might force your surgeon to switch from vaginal hysterectomy to laparoscopic or abdominal hysterectomy during the surgery.

Talk with your doctor about what to expect during and after a vaginal hysterectomy, including physical and emotional effects. You might have a urinary catheter inserted to empty your bladder. A member of your surgical team will clean the surgical area with a sterile solution before surgery. Except in cases of suspected uterine cancer, the surgeon might cut an enlarged uterus into smaller pieces and remove it in sections morcellation.

You might be a candidate for a laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy LAVH or robotic hysterectomy. Both procedures allow your surgeon to remove the uterus vaginally while being able to see your pelvic organs through a slender viewing instrument called a laparoscope.

Your surgeon performs most of the procedure through small abdominal incisions aided by long, thin surgical instruments inserted through the incisions. Your surgeon then removes the uterus through an incision made in your vagina. Your surgeon might recommend LAVH or robotic hysterectomy if you have scar tissue on your pelvic organs from prior surgeries or from endometriosis.

Some women are able to go home the day of the surgery. It's more common for women aged 40 to Why do I need a hysterectomy? These include: heavy periods long-term pelvic pain non-cancerous tumours fibroids ovarian cancer , uterine cancer , cervical cancer or cancer of the fallopian tubes A hysterectomy is a major operation with a long recovery time and is only considered after less invasive treatments have been tried.

Find out why a hysterectomy is needed Things to consider If you have a hysterectomy, as well as having your womb removed, you may have to decide whether to also have your cervix or ovaries removed. Find out the things to consider before having a hysterectomy Types of hysterectomy There are various types of hysterectomy.

Recovery times can also vary depending on the type of hysterectomy. Find out more about recovering from a hysterectomy Surgical menopause If your ovaries are removed during a hysterectomy, you'll go through the menopause immediately after the operation, regardless of your age.

Find out more about surgical menopause The female reproductive system The female reproductive system is made up of the: womb uterus — a pear-shaped organ in the middle of your pelvis where a baby develops; the lining of the womb is shed during a period cervix — the neck of the womb, where the womb meets the vagina; the cervix is the lower part of the womb and not separate vagina — a muscular tube below the cervix fallopian tubes — tubes that connect the womb to the ovaries ovaries — small organs by the fallopian tubes that release an egg each month Page last reviewed: 01 February Next review due: 01 February You should plan on six to eight weeks to rest and heal, depending on the type of hysterectomy and whether Dr.

Macey performs minimally invasive surgery or you need conventional open surgery. Many women struggle with unexpected emotions following their hysterectomy, so during your recovery, you may feel a sense of loss or struggle with depression. Macey is available, and you should call if you encounter challenges during your recovery. HPV is the most widespread infection worldwide. Find out how it spreads, what symptoms it may cause, and how you can prevent HPV complications. Thirteen million Americans live with incontinence.

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