How is dual wielding in skyrim

If you're puzzled as to why you should even bother dual wielding at all, the bonuses of the build lie in the dual-wield attack attacking with both weapons simultaneously and the power attacks: The dual-wield attack tapping both attack buttons at the same time does the damage of both weapons at the same time along with triggering any associated weapon effects. The dual-wield power attack holding down both attack buttons at the same time will unleash a triple hit with each of those hits registering as a power attack in its own right.

Best perks for dual wield builds Now for some perks from the one-handed skill tree that you may want to invest in to make the most of this build. All five will double weapon damage Dual Flurry - increases speed of all attacks when dual-wielding. This stacks with your triple hit dual-wield power attack Kitting yourself out with the above goes a long way towards making you a slice and dice death machine. Advanced option: Elemental Fury Lastly, if you don't mind forgoing enchantments, the Elemental Fury shout is bloody brilliant and well worth the trade-off.

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Answered Can I have a list of unique and powerful swords?? Answered Are daggers counted as swords in the one-handed skill tree? Answered Dual casting help? Answered Dual-wielding favourites?

Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Blades swords r their any others non enchanted that can be found? Can I have a list of unique and powerful swords?? Are daggers counted as swords in the one-handed skill tree?

Dual casting help? I stagger my opponent almost every single dual power attack. When I fight the dragon priests they can't even get a hit in because of the stagger. Make sure you upgrade stamina a lot and enchanted items will help too. Dual wielding is unstoppable if you can use it right. There is a way to use dual wield effectively and to deadly effect.

However, I think it only works if you have the " Shadow Warrior " perk and are using dual daggers. What I do is when I fight, I let an enemy come really close to me.

Maybe let him hit me just a bit to make sure the gap between us is close enough. Right after that I crouch Sneak which will activate the "Shadow Warrior" perk makes you become invisible for a really short time. If you do it right, it can finish a boss or a dragon in almost one hit. The process is similar to sneaking behind an enemy, but this one is you suddenly become undetected right in front of an enemy.

Use that short moment before they detect you again around 2 seconds to create a sneaky critical hit. However, it is really difficult because you have to be really close to your enemy. And it is even more difficult with dragons, since they can detect you quite easily.

But try it out, I killed several dragons with this trick already. If you want to practice this, try practicing it with just a normal attack first.

If you succeed in doing it against a normal enemy, sometimes it will turn into a finishing move cutscene the one when you slice your enemy's throat from sneaking attack.

By the way, this looks really cool. It is almost like you turn into a smoke, teleport behind them, and slice them. My character is a dual wielder with what I consider two class types, there's the rogue which is a thief-assassin combination. I use the Dark Brotherhood standard armor with the alternate hood and two daggers.

My combined skill trees of sneak and one handed allows me to get in behind implements and drop them with one flurry. I've taken down, dragons, frost trolls ,giants and Draugr death lords and whites with no effort. I even killed a vampire right next to his lover without her noticing.

Second "class" is my knight class, where I wear a combination of heavy and light armor and two swords one of which is the Dawnbreaker. My armor help me eat hits while two swords allow me to strike faster. If I'm in trouble then Fus Ro Dah gives me breathing room, giving me time to use healing spells and move in on a downed opponent.

This mod Dual Wield Parrying allows you to block with almost every combination of weapons, except. Please note that requirements are Skyrim version 1. Among the suggested mods presented in the mod page are SkyUI , which allows configuration of many mods, and Dodge Mod , which allows a rolling movement to dodge attacks.

What I've done in the past is grind my smithing out of the way working on only the heavy side up until dragon. You can use either dragonbone or daedric, it doesn't matter. Make some duel dragon bone daggers. Find smithing potions and make them legendary.

Get all the duel wielding perks plus the damage buffs for one handed legendary your armor and enchant it however you want. Now your damage output isn't really measured by its actual damage, it's measured by how much damage you can do in a set time. Elemental fury lasts 15 seconds so if you do the math you can do about to your daggers do about 70 damage damage per sec which is to damage in 15 seconds plus this is excluding power attacks. All of my battles never last more than 15 seconds.

The only tricky thing is accidentally missing your target because your moving so fast and waiting for dragons to land. Once you get ahold of you opponent it's like their a piece of paper going through a paper shredder. How about using an Orc? Because of their racial skill Beserker Rage you can do lot of damage while dual wielding and using the Marked for Death shout or Elemental Fury. Right now I want to start a new charter in Skyrim which will be a dual-wielder and I looked up a build when I last played a dual-wielder.

So the main thing is that you'll need 2 unenchanted weapons, one of them should be a dagger,probably in your left hand,and the other a sword. And now you should shearch for the elemental fury shout which increases your attack speed by If you have all the dual-wield perks you can kill a deagon in about 2 seconds with that insane attack speed,but keep in mind that the elemental fury wont work with Enchanted weapons. Sign up to join this community.

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