What happens if i drink 2 gallons of water

Leaving meant drinking my hourly allotment, peeing out as much of it as I could, then praying that I could get to where I was going before I wet myself. This boiled down to checking, then double checking subway service alerts and relinquishing any qualms I had about asking to use the bathroom of an establishment of which I am not a patron. Two minutes before arriving at friends' apartments, I got into the habit of calling them to ensure that their bathroom was ready for my immediate use.

This sort of malarkey meant that I had to 86 any non-essential obligations I had in order to be a few steps away from a toilet. The one exception was the gym. Provided I could get there without an accident, sweating became another way of getting rid of some liquid. As the week wore on, I did find myself feeling more alert and energetic.

I was always a regular guy, but my stools seemed more substantial and left me with a euphoric—or poo-phoric—feeling almost every time. As research has shown, drinking plenty of water is a surefire way to consume fewer calories and, as the week drew on, I'd started to look more svelte and even got my nocturnal pissings down to one per night.

Friends who I hadn't told about the experiment said that I seemed brighter-eyed and more rested, which was a nice endorsement. As the week drew to a close, I started to get thirsty in between bottles.

It was as though the act of pushing 25 pounds of water through my body each day had somehow recalibrated it. All good stuff, but not nearly enough of an incentive to incur the overhead of thinking through my day as much I had to. Sign up for our newsletter to get the best of Tonic delivered to your inbox. Sign In Create Account. I know because I tried it. March 18, , pm. Urine that is dark yellow to amber in color may indicate dehydration, while urine that is pale yellow in color means that you are properly hydrated Dry or sticky mouth, headaches, cracked skin or lips, and muscle cramps are also common symptoms of dehydration that may improve if you increase your daily water intake 32 , 33 , Although water toxicity is rare in adults, drinking an extreme amount of water in a short time can be dangerous.

Drinking too much water too quickly can cause your sodium levels to drop too low. This is known as hyponatremia, which can be serious and even fatal However, most adults would have to drink an enormous amount of water fairly quickly for this to happen.

There have been reported cases of life-threatening hyponatremia in adults drinking between — ounces 6—9. As a general recommendation, drink when you feel thirsty and stop drinking when your thirst is quenched. Drinking a gallon of water per day may work for some people but could be harmful for others.

Although rare, drinking too much water too fast can cause sodium levels in your blood to drop too low, causing a dangerous condition called hyponatremia. Drinking enough water can help you burn fat and increase your energy levels. This page explains exactly how much water you should drink in a day. Overhydration, or drinking too much water, is a potentially deadly condition. Learn about causes, symptoms, treatments, and more. Many experts recommend that you drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

This article explores the science behind this claim. Being dehydrated can negatively affect your body and brain. Here are 7 evidence-based health benefits of drinking water.

Drinking hot water is a great way to stay hydrated, and it might have extra health benefits. Learn about 10 possible benefits of drinking hot water…. Water retention involves increased amounts of fluids building up inside the body. Here are 6 simple ways to reduce water retention. Drinking enough water is important, but that's not the only thing you can do to stay hydrated. Before discussing the specific benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day, it may be helpful to consider the reasons that water is so vital for the body to function properly.

While water is a universal need, different people need to drink different amounts of water. One of the most significant fault lines is between male and female water consumption needs. According to the Mayo Clinic :. What about the old adage to drink eight glasses of water daily? One thing that makes water consumption so critical is that water helps to regulate bodily functions.

Consider a few ways that water impacts the body:. Water is especially important for ensuring that your organs function properly. Generally, your organs need water because it helps protect them; for example, water lubricates and cushions your spine, helping safeguard it against daily wear and tear. Water also has a specific relationship with organs like the kidneys and liver. These organs play a critical role in helping your body process and remove waste; water helps flush your system and minimize that waste, which in turn eases the burden on your kidneys and liver.

For example, drinking water helps replenish the water you lose when you perspire, when you eliminate waste and even when you breathe. Clearly, drinking water matters, and while aiming for eight glasses a day is reasonable enough, an even loftier goal is to consistently get a gallon of water daily.

Remember that a gallon is 16 cups; an eight-ounce glass is equal to a cup, so this goal effectively doubles the conventional wisdom. Take a closer look at five specific benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day. One reason to aim for a gallon of water each day is that, according to WebMD, doing so may significantly boost your energy level. Low energy is a common problem. Some people start to slump in the afternoon and would sooner reach for a soda or a cup of coffee than a glass of water.

Others feel groggy from the moment they wake up. No matter your typical energy level, better hydration could be the answer. In fact, fatigue and low energy are two of the most immediate symptoms of insufficient water intake.

Drinking a gallon of water each day may help you sustain your energy and even sleep better at night. Drinking plenty of water may also result in smoother, healthier skin and an altogether healthier appearance. Dehydrated skin quickly starts looking parched, cracked, and flaky.

While moisturizing lotion has its place, doctors say that the best skincare comes from within. Those who drink a gallon of water each day report a whole host of improvements to their skin: fewer wrinkles, less dryness, less itchiness.


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